c. natural force or pull toward the earth
Gravity of the earth is the force of attraction that it naturally possesses to attract any mass.
An apple falls on the earth due to this force of gravity.
The force of gravity near to the surface of the earth is given as:
m= mass of the body
g= acceleration due to gravity
The variation of the gravitational force with height is given as:


R = radius of the earth 
"Acceleration" does NOT mean speeding up. It also doesn't mean
slowing down. Acceleration means ANY change in the speed
OR DIRECTION of motion.
The only kind of motion that's NOT accelerated is motion at a steady
speed AND in a straight line.
Even when your speed is steady, you're accelerating if your direction
is changing.
A few examples:
(no speeds are changing):
-- driving on a curved road, or turning a corner
-- going around a curve on a skateboard, a bike, or a Segway
-- running on a quarter-mile track
-- an Indy car cruising a practice lap around the track
-- water spinning, getting ready to go down the drain
-- any point on the blade of a fan
-- the little ball going around the inside of a Roulette wheel
-- the Moon in its orbit around the Earth
-- the Earth in its orbit around the sun
Gravity.” or “Gravity causes the moon to orbit the earth.” “Acceleration due to gravity” is much more precise. It is the acceleration that an object experiences when it is dropped with no other external forces on it. ... Near the surface of the earth the acceleration due to gravity is about 9.8
Rotational speed of an object around an axis is the numbers of turns of the object divided by time. <span />
Asexual means the plant is identical to the parent