In physics, weight is a measure of the force exerted by gravity on a mass.
You probably know that you weigh less on the Moon than on Earth. For instance, if you weigh 100. pounds on Earth, you will weigh 16.6 pounds on the Moon. But, if your mass on Earth is 100 kg, your mass on the Moon is... also 100 kg. Because the amount of matter you have does not change from the Earth to the Moon, but the gravitational force on the Earth is stronger than on the Moon, so you weigh more on Earth.
You can think of gravity pulling a mass toward the center of an object like the Earth. It pulls a lot harder for more massive objects like the Earth than for the Moon. That's why there's a difference in weight.
As a caveat, adding energy or mass to an object will affect its mass. Additionally, general relativity informs us that when something as traveling very near the speed of light, the whole idea of mass equivalency is not exactly true...
A) or B) which ever you choose in order
Hope it helps:)
The force exerted by the ball on the bat has a magnitude of 100 N and its direction is exactly opposite to that of the force exerted by the bat on the ball.
Recall that Newton's third law tells us that : "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."
Therefore if the bat acts on the ball with a force of 100 N, the ball acts on the bat with a similar magnitude of force (100 N) but direction opposite to the original force.

B. parents
one of the conclusions from Einsteins relativity theory for his equation E=
(where E is energy, m is mass and C is the speed of light),
is that time moves relative to the observer. Time moves more slowly when the observer is in motion (time dilation), therefore an individual in motion ages more slowly than someone at rest. This in fact happened when astronaut Scot Kelly spent nearly a year on board the international space station and on his return, his twin brother had aged slightly faster than him. In conclusion, if a space trip finds a son or daughter is biologically older than his or her parents, the space trip was taken by the parents.