The bones aren't as strong as a younger person, because an older person, ages due to time and it also depend on what they do in their past.
Does this help? ^-^"
It's about acceleration, right?
1 nanowatt = 1 nanojoule/sec
1 watt = 1 joule/sec
10 watts = 10 joules/sec
100 watts = 100 joules/sec
742.914 watts = 742.914 joules/sec
1,000 watts = 1,000 joules/sec
10,000 watts = 10,000 joules/sec
100,000 watts = 100,000 joules/sec
1 megawatt = 1 megajoule/sec
1 gigawatt = 1 gigajoule/sec
1 petawatt = 1 petajoule/sec
We don't care what frequency the transmission is using,
or who their morning DJ is.