A. 3.5ml
lowest point of liquid or meniscus
Is a function defined for a system relating several state variables or state quantities that depends only on the current equilibrium thermodynamic state of the system[1] (e.g. gas, liquid, solid, crystal, or emulsion), not the path which the system took to reach its present state. A state function describes the equilibrium state of a system, thus also describing the type of system. For example, a state function could describe an atom or molecule in a gaseous, liquid, or solid form; a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture; and the amounts of energy required to create such systems or change them into a different equilibrium state.
1. 2.510kJ
2. Q = 1.5 kJ
Hello there!
In this case, according to the given information for this calorimetry problem, we can proceed as follows:
1. Here, we consider the following equivalence statement for converting from calories to joules and from joules to kilojoules:

Then, we perform the conversion as follows:

2. Here, we use the general heat equation:

And we plug in the given mass, specific heat and initial and final temperature to obtain:

A homogenous mixture is uniform and thus hard to recognize as a mixture. An example is water!
Depending upon the relative arrangements of XandY X a n d Y , the square planar molecule AX3Y A X 3 Y shows only the following structure: Hence, only one structure is possible for a square planar molecule with a formula of AX3Y A X 3 Y .