Its phosphorus (P)In writing the electron configuration for Phosphorus the first two electrons will go in the 1s orbital. Since 1s can only hold two electrons the next 2 electrons for Phosphorous go in the 2s orbital. The next six electrons will go in the 2p orbital. The p orbital can hold up to six electrons. We'll put six in the 2p orbital and then put the next two electrons in the 3s. Since the 3s if now full we'll move to the 3p where we'll place the remaining three electrons. Therefore the Phosphorus electron configuration will be 1s22s22p63s23p3.
The 5 main branches of chemistry are physics, analytical, biochemistry, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry.
Answer: since the sodium ion is Na+, and sulfate is SO4(2-), you'll need 2 sodiums for a sulfate, making sodium sulfate Na2SO4.
Isotopes are elements that differ in the number in neutrons while the numner of protons are the same. The answers of the questions are: 1) 18/8 O 2) 22/10 Ne 3) 53/25 Mn 4) 37/24 Cr 5) 106/81 Ti.
1. when the ball is just starting to fall, it has high potential but low kinetic energy. when it hits the floor, it has high kinetic but low potential energy
2. heat energy
3. reflective-transparent would be best, as they can reflect some light while let other light through, reflective-opaque would be useless in any circumstances because no light at all would be able to get through