According to the Faraday-Lenz law, a conductive ring generates an induced current due to the change in the magnetic flux caused by the motion of the bar magnet. This induced current generates a magnetic field opposite to the magnetic field of the bar, generating an upward force that opposes the weight of the bar magnet, Therefore, it does not move as a freely falling object.
When the blood and the dialysate are flowing in the same direction, as the the dialysate and the blood move away from the region of higher concentration of the urea, to a region distant from the source, the concentration of urea in the blood stream and in the dialysis reach equilibrium and diffusion across the semipermeable membrane stops within the higher filter regions such as II, III, IV or V
However, for counter current flow, as the concentration of the urea in the blood stream becomes increasingly lesser the, it encounters increasingly unadulterated dialysate coming from the dialysate source, such that diffusion takes place in all regions of the filter
In the National Grid, the Step Up Transformer increases the amount of voltage that is passing through the grid at any one time. These are used at power stations, as without them, there would not be enough power to transport the electricity around the national grid.
Hope this helps :)