ave you ever seen a Rube Goldberg machine in action? You probably have, even if you didn’t know what it was. A Rube Goldberg machine is a contraption that uses a chain reaction to carry out a simple task. It performs a very basic job in a complicated way.
<em>Both Tech A and Tech B are correct.</em>
<em>The Hall effect sen sensor are used to control displacements and rotations of various body components of the vehicles, engine vibrations , and the ignition system</em>
<em>The optical-type sensor converts rays of light into electronic signals. It measures the quantity physically of which the translates to a form that is understandable or readable by an instrument. An optical sensor is larger part of a system that integrates light sources, a device for measuring and the optical sensor, which therefore is usually connected to an electrical trigger.</em>
The process from a liquid to a vapor.
Water is evaporated by heating up and turning into a vapor.
Efficiency based on Otto cycle.
Effotto = 47.47%
Efficiency based on Otto cycle.
effotto = 1 – (V2 / V1)^γ-1
effotto = 1 – (1 / 5)^1.4 - 1
effotto = 47.47%