Early-warning systems are essential in the case of hurricanes, severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. All of these can wreak havoc! Let’s take a look at how meteorologists forecast these events and how early-warning systems can help us protect ourselves if we are in their paths.
During the process of glycolysis 1 mole of glucose yields 2 pyruvic acid. In the process 2 ATPs molecules are used up and 4 other ATP molecules are produced by substrate level phosphorylation and 2 NADH are also produced. Therefore; for six moles of glucose; 12 ATP molecules will be used up, 24 ATP molecules will be generated, 12 moles of NADH will be used and 12 moles of pyruvate are made.
Below is the mechanism showing the hydrolysis of Iminium Ion into aldehye. The arrows are shown in RED.
Two electrons that are of the same charge will repel each other
This law states that the physical and chemical properties of the elements are the periodic function of their atomic masses. This means that when the elements are arranged in the order of their increasing atomic masses, the elements with similar properties recur at regular intervals.