9) Substitution Reaction
10) Covalent Bond
11) Ionic Bond
12) Covalent Bond
13) Ionic Bond
14) 9 atoms
9) Substitution Reaction: Substitution reaction is a chemical reaction in which one atom, ion or species replaced by another atom, ion or species
10) Covalent Bond: Covalent bond is a bond that formed between two nonmetals, when both the species are non metal, the electronegativity of both the nonmetals are comparatively same, hence any of both do not pulls completely electron of other & the bond is formed by the sharing of electron.
11) Ionic Bond: We know that nonmetals have high electronegativity than those of metals, due to high electronegativity non metals pulls the electrons of metals but there is enough interaction that non metal do not escape after pulling the electron, & an ionic bond generates where non metals possess negative charge & positive charge goes to metal.
12) Covalent Bond: The bond formed between two atoms having less electronegativity diffrence by sharing of electron pair is know as covalent bond. for e.g the Carbon - Hydrogen bond in methane (CH4) molecule is covalent bonded because the electronegativity of carbon is 2.5 & that of hydrogen is 2.1 which is almost close, hence the bond formed is covalent.
13) Ionic Bond: The bond formed between two atoms having high electronegativity diffrence & the bond formed is due to complete transfer of electron by one species. For e.g. NaCl the sodium is a metal having electronegativity 0.9 and chlorine is non metal having electronegativity 3.0 the electronegativity diffrence is too high, hence the chlorine behaves as Cl- ion that of sodium as Na+, both the components behaves as ion but they are bonded &that bond is called as Ionic bond.
14) 9 Atoms: One molecule of water (H2O) posses three atoms, two hydrogen atoms & one oxygen atom, the number of atoms in 3 molecules of water 3×3 = 9 atoms.
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Gold is a metal, more specifically a transition metal, whereas Oxygen is a nonmetal, more specifically a reactive nonmetal. Using this information, you can compare and contrast metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.
Metals are:
High melting point
Mostly silver or gray in color
Mostly solids at room temperature – Mercury (Hg) is a liquid at room temperature
Malleable – able to be hammered into a thin sheet
Ductile – able to be drawn/pulled into a wire
Good conductors of heat and electricity
Nonmetals are:
Low melting point
Brittle – break easily
Not malleable
Not ductile
Poor conductors of heat and electricity
Metalloids are:
Found on the “zig-zag” line on the Periodic Table of Elements
Have properties of both metals and nonmetals
Can be shiny or dull
Semiconductors – able to conduct electricity under certain conditions
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