produce electronics
The uses of Germanium are recorded beneath: Germanium's principle use is to deliver strong state hardware, semiconductors and fiber optic frameworks. As a phosphor in fluorescent lights.
The number converted is
In order to convert from the original units to the final units, we have to keep in mind the following conversion factors:
The original unit that we have is
Therefore, it can be rewritten as:
Therefore, since the initial number was 0.779, the final value is
Sorry I'm so late, but I just took this test and the answer is white (for people who didn't study well ;) )
P=740 KPa
Δ=7.4 mm
Given that
Diameter of plunger,d=30 mm
Diameter of sleeve ,D=32 mm
Length .L=50 mm
E= 5 MPa
As we know that
Lateral strain
We know that
So the axial pressure
P=740 KPa
The movement in the sleeve
Δ=7.4 mm
La intensidad de la luz se baja con cada bombillo que agregas