Answer: Helianthus L. Sunflower
When factories mass produce something it produces smoke. That smoke can be harmful to something called the ozone layer. The ozone layer is part of earth's atmosphere that protects us from the suns burning heat. When that layer is damaged the sun's heat burns through heating up the world and melting ice causing the water levels to rise. All of this can make working conditions less safe, cause more flooding, and have the sun cause cancer.
Well it’s the first answer couches
See explaination
we know that
half cell with higher reduction potential is cathode
cathode :
N20 + 2H+ + 2e- ---> N2 + H20
anode :
Cr(s) ---> Cr+3 + 3e-
overall reaction is
3 N20 + 6H+ + 2 Cr ---> 3N2 + 3H20 + 2Cr+3
Eo cell = Eo cathode - Eo anode
EO cell = 1.77 + 0.74
Eo cell = 2.51 V
in this case
oxidizing agents are N20 and Cr+3
reducing agents are Cr and N2
higher the reduction potential , stronger the oxidizing agent
lower the reduction potential , stronger the reducing agent
oxidzing agents
N20 > Cr+3
reducing agents
Cr > N2
cathode :
Au+ + e- --> Au
anode :
Cr ---> Cr+3 + 3e-
overall reaction
3Au+ + Cr ---> 3Au + Cr+3
Eo cell = 1.69 + 0.74
Eo cell = 2.43
oxidizing agents :
Au+ > Cr+3
reducing agents :
Cr > Au
cathode :
N20 + 2H+ + 2e- ---> N2 + H20
andoe :
Au ---> Au+ + e-
2 Au + N20 + 2H+ --> 2 Au+ + N2 + H20
Eo cell = 1.77 - 1.69
Eo cell = 0.08
oxidizing agents
N20 > Au+
reducing agents
Au > N2
a H2CO3 b HCO3- and c H+ and HCO3-
As the pKa value of phenol is more than that of carbonic acid(H2CO3), the carbonic acid will have high Ka value than that of phenol.
The acid that contain high Ka value act as stong acid.From that point of view H2CO3 is a strong acid than phenol as the Ka value of carbonic acid is greater than that of phenol.
The conjugate base of H2CO3 is bicarbonate ion(HCO3-)
c The species that predorminates at equilibrium are H+ and HCO3-