The new partial pressures after equilibrium is reestablished:


At equilibrium before adding chlorine gas:
Partial pressure of the 
Partial pressure of the 
Partial pressure of the 
The expression of an equilibrium constant is given by :

At equilibrium after adding chlorine gas:
Partial pressure of the 
Partial pressure of the 
Partial pressure of the 
Total pressure of the system = P = 263.0 Torr

At initail
(13.2) Torr (32.8) Torr (13.2) Torr
At equilbriumm
(13.2-x) Torr (32.8-x) Torr (217.0+x) Torr

Solving for x;
x = 6.402 Torr
The new partial pressures after equilibrium is reestablished:

pH = 6.999
The solution is acidic.
HBr is a strong acid, a very strong one.
In water, this acid is totally dissociated.
HBr + H₂O → H₃O⁺ + Br⁻
We can think pH, as - log 7.75×10⁻¹² but this is 11.1
acid pH can't never be higher than 7.
We apply the charge balance:
[H⁺] = [Br⁻] + [OH⁻]
All the protons come from the bromide and the OH⁻ that come from water.
We can also think [OH⁻] = Kw / [H⁺] so:
[H⁺] = [Br⁻] + Kw / [H⁺]
Now, our unknown is [H⁺]
[H⁺] = 7.75×10⁻¹² + 1×10⁻¹⁴ / [H⁺]
[H⁺] = (7.75×10⁻¹² [H⁺] + 1×10⁻¹⁴) / [H⁺]
This is quadratic equation: [H⁺]² - 7.75×10⁻¹² [H⁺] - 1×10⁻¹⁴
a = 1 ; b = - 7.75×10⁻¹² ; c = -1×10⁻¹⁴
(-b +- √(b² - 4ac) / (2a)
[H⁺] = 1.000038751×10⁻⁷
- log [H⁺] = pH → 6.999
A very strong acid as HBr, in this case, it is so diluted that its pH is almost neutral.
X is dependent Y is independent.... number of students is Y flavor is X
I belive it's the black chair because they were asking which chair experienced the most force in the begining and the black chair had the most force given.
A covalent bond is a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms