If the scale is not "zeroed". If you do not use grams (g) to lable your products. If you do not unlock the balance. [that's about all I got doll]
Large; small.
A telescope can be defined as an optical instrument or device which comprises of a curved mirror and lenses used for viewing distant objects i.e objects that are very far away such as stars and other planetary bodies. The first telescope was invented by Sir Isaac Newton.
To have the highest magnification in a telescope, the focal length of the objective lens should be large and the focal length of the eyepiece lens should be small.
This ultimately implies that, the eyepiece lens has a small focal length while the objective lens has a large focal length.
In a collision, there is a force on both objects that causes an acceleration of both objects; the forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. For collisions between equal-mass objects, each object experiences the same acceleration.
In hyperopia ,people face difficulties to see close up object , but can see object easily which are at a distance.
The main reason of hyperopia is our eyeball.When our eyeball become too short , then light focus behind the retina. Sowe will face problem to see near object but we can see distance object easily. Hyperopia is the opposite of nearsightedness. Hyperopia can be corrected by using contact lenses.