flip flops are shoes and they look like shoes
E=1.028x10^11 ftlb
To solve this problem you must multiply the engine power by the time factor expressed in h / year, to find this value you must perform the conventional unit conversion procedure.
Finally, when you have the result Hp h / year you convert it to Ftlb and Wh



E=1.028x10^11 ftlb
beam with a span length of 10 ft, a width of 8 in, and an effective depth of 20 in. Normal weight concrete is used for the beam. This beam carries a total factored load of 9.4 kips. The beam is reinforced with tensile steel, which continues uninterrupted into the support. The concrete has a strength of 4000 psi, and the yield strength of the steel is 60,000 psi. Using No. 3 bars and 60,000 psi steel for stirrups, do the followings: