Gravity is the force that pulls you down.
(This is kind of a duh! question ... How do we know
which way is "down" ? We feel gravity, and we call
that the "down" direction.)
Magnetic force holds things to fridge doors.
Contact forces need to touch something in order to
exert their force.
Example: Gravity is NOT a contact force.
I don't know about "rubbing things away".
This might be a description of friction, but if so,
it's not a good one.
Buoyant force is what keeps floating things floating.
Air resistance slows things down when they move in air.
Measure a whole stack (one in which you know the number of sheets), then divide your measurement by the number of sheets in that stack
Uranus and Neptun are outer planets od the Solar system, since they are located after the asteroid belt. All of these outer planets are much larger then the inner ones so they are called the "ice giants". The other reason for this name is that they are very far from the Sun, so their temperature is low. Another feature they have in common is their atmosphere which is composed of gases, including methane, which is responsible for their blue color, since methane absorbs red light. However Neptune is known for very fast winds and storms in its atmosphere which is responsible for its high activity and changes.
So, the blanks should be filled with:
outer planets
The magnetic field is
From the question we are told that
The mass of the metal rod is 
The current on the rod is 
The distance of separation(equivalent to length of the rod ) is 
The coefficient of kinetic friction is 
The kinetic frictional force is 
The constant speed is 
Generally the magnetic force on the rod is mathematically represented as

For the rod to move with a constant velocity the magnetic force must be equal to the kinetic frictional force so
