POH of a 0.0072 M=-lg(0.0072) = 2.1426675
Yeah of-course!! It's valency by group most of the chemical property like electronegativity, ionization energy etc. by the combination of groups and periods...
multitide of uses (drinking, cleaning, cooking, transportation). Without water we would not survive. -Lead atoms bond together and they make up the lead that we use as a pencil. -Copper atoms, aluminum atoms, nickel atoms, etc., all make up metal which is used for a variety of things in everyday life.

In this case, since we can consider hydrogen gas as an ideal gas, we check the volume-pressure-temperature-mole relationship by using the ideal gas equation:

Whereas we are asked to compute the moles given the temperature in Kelvins, thr pressure in atm and volume in L as shown below:

Best regards.
Prepare a 1% copper sulfate solution. To make this solution, weigh 1 gram of copper sulfate (CuSO4 ·5H2O), dissolve in a small amount of distilled water in a 100 ml volumetric flask and bring to volume. Label this as 1% copper sulfate solution.