Lower the melting point
Salts helps to melt road by lowering the melting point. It acts as an impurity and generally, impurities low the melting point of substances.
Salts are used as an antifreeze.
- Water freezes at 0°C and forms ice/snow which can impede human and vehicular movement.
- When salt is added, it causes the depression of the freezing point by lowering it further.
- The freezing point is pegged back at -6°C.
- This way it takes more low temperature to freeze the water.
- The salt acts as an impurity and causes the depression of melting point and widening of the melting range.
learn more:
Matter brainly.com/question/10972073
Gold(I) chloride is a compound of gold and chlorine with the chemical formula AuCl
The largest advantage of sodium-ion batteries is the high natural abundance of sodium. This could make commercial production of sodium-ion batteries less expensive than lithium-ion batteries. As of 2020, sodium ion batteries have very little share of the battery market.
The title of Scientist was formally bestowed upon Sir Isaac Newton when he was
awarded the Merit Badge in Science at the age of 15, and he remained a Scientist
until he died, at the age of 84, on March 20, 1727, for a total duration of 69 years.
Yes, He was a productive scientist.He is one of the most important contributors to our understanding of how the universe works.