A. It can be as important to a story as a character
The freezing temperature at a normal sea level air pressure is negative 78.5 degrees.
Nuetrons+protons. and number 7 is electrons and protons
Nitric acid(HNO3) is a strong acid so most of its component will dissociate into an ion form. When dissolved into water, nitric acid will have this reaction
HNO3= 1 H

+ NO3
For every 1 mol of HNO3, there will be 1 mol of H+ ion and NO3- ion formed, which makes a total of 2 ions(degree of dissociation = 2).
Then for 2 moles of HNO3 it would be: 2 moles * 2= 4 moles of ion
In science, scientists often refer to gas as flatulence.