A control is something you don't touch/change in a exprement, a constant is the same as the control, the independent is the one the you do vhange, the dependet is the one that you observe/ use your 5 sences with.
The kinetic energy would be 53,775J:)
0.67 s
This is a simple harmonic motion (SHM).
The displacement,
, of an SHM is given by

A is the amplitude and
is the angular frequency.
We could use a sine function, in which case we will include a phase angle, to indicate that the oscillation began from a non-equilibrium point. We are using the cosine function for this particular case because the oscillation began from an extreme end, which is one-quarter of a single oscillation, when measured from the equilibrium point. One-quarter of an oscillation corresponds to a phase angle of 90° or
From trigonometry,
if A and B are complementary.



The period,
, is related to

Larger molecules will move slower and smaller molecules will move faster. Did this answer your question?
i thinkits an instrument called seismograph. not sure