Aqueous layer (1 M HCI)
First of us I want to remind you of the cliché in chemistry that like dissolves like. In solvent extraction, a mixture is dissolved in a system consisting of two immiscible solvents. One layer is organic while the other layer is aqueous.
Polar substances partition in the aqueous layer while nonpolar substances partition in the organic layer.
Since Copper sulfate is ionic, we will find it in the aqueous layer according to the old chemistry cliche.
Density increases with the temperature, true.
Porque como tu no eres profesional en medicina, no sabes nada sobre las dosis de medicamentos ni de los efectos que pueden tener en tu cuerpo si se administran incorrectamente.
Es logico que solo vayas al medico para que te den la cura allí.
As solid is a hard surface and it can be changed to any shape although it is placed to any container whereas liquid can be poured from one container to another and gases have less bulk so they are not exaggerated by gravity