I think it’s A but I’m not sure.
12 hours ago
El ácido sulfúrico H2SO4 es uno de los compuestos que se utiliza para la producción de fertilizantes como el nitrosulfato amónico. Si disponemos de 8 mL de H2SO4 al 37 %P/P (d=1,26 g /mL), los cuales se disolvieron hasta alcanzar un volumen de solución de 400 mL, con una densidad de 1,08 g/mL. (La densidad del soluto es corresponde a 1,83 g/cm³)
John Newlands
he established the law of octaves
1. Equivalence point
2. Direct titration
3. Primary standard
4. Titrand
5. Back titration
6. Standard solution
7. Titrant
8. Indirect titration
9. End point
10. Indicator
1. The equivalence point is the tiration point at which the quantity or moles of the added titrant is sufficient or equal to the quantity or moles of the analyte for the neutralization of the solution of the analyte.
2. Direct titration is a method of quantitatively determining the contents of a substance
3. A primary standard is an easily weigh-able representative of the mount of moles contained in a substance
4. A titrand is the substance of unknown concentration which is to be determined
5. The titration method that uses a given amount of an excess reagent to determine the concentration of an analyte is known as back titration
6. A standard solution is a solution of accurately known concentration
7. A titrant is a solution that has a known concentration and which is titrated unto another solution to determine the concentration of the second solution
8. Indirect titration is the process of performing a titration in athe reverse order
9. The end point is the point at which the indicator indicates that the equivalent quantities of the reagents required for a complete reaction has been added
10 An indicator is a compound used to visually determine the pH of a solution.