Answer - La cristalización ye un procesu químicu pol cual a partir d'un gas, un líquidu o una disolución, los iones, átomos o molécules establecen enllaces hasta formar una rede cristalina, la unidá básica d'un cristal. La cristalización emplegar con bastante frecuencia en química para purificar una sustancia sólida.
It should be Non- toxic
It should possess high Thermal conductivity
It should have the Required Thermal diffusivity
- stoneware : This material has good thermal diffusivity and it is quite affordable and it is used in making pizza stones
- porcelain: mostly used for mugs and it is non-toxic
- Pyrex : posses good thermal conductivity used in oven
C) All the materials are suitable because they serve different purposes when making modern kitchen cookware
A) characteristics required of a ceramic material to be used as a kitchen cookware
- It should be Non- toxic
- It should possess high Thermal conductivity
- It should have the Required Thermal diffusivity
B) comparison of three ceramic materials as to their relative properties
- stoneware : This material has good thermal diffusivity and it is quite affordable and it is used in making pizza stones
- porcelain: mostly used for mugs and it is non-toxic
- Pyrex : posses good thermal conductivity used in ovens
C) material most suitable for the cookware.
All the materials are suitable because they serve different purposes when making modern kitchen cookware
diesel engine
because diesel is stronger than petrol