Precision machining is a subtractive process used in cases where material needs to be removed from a raw product to create the finished product. Precision machining can be used to create a wide variety of products, items, and parts for any number of different objects and materials. These parts usually require tight tolerances variation from nominal dimensions and from part to part, which means that there is not much room for error in the production of the piece. Repeatability and well-controlled tolerances are hallmarks of precision machining. Components, parts and finished durable products that are designed to maintain extremely tight tolerance margins and a high degree of durability are essential and common drivers for utilization of precision machining. For example, parts that need to work together as part of a machine may need to always align within a certain margin of 0.01mm to 0.05mm. Precision engineering and machining help to ensure these parts can not only be made precisely but can be produced with this level of accuracy over and over again.
To solve this problem follow the steps below, the complete procedure is in the attached image
1. draw a complete outline of the problem
2. to find the temperature at the turbine exit use termodinamic tables to find the saturation temperature at 30kPa
note=Through laboratory tests, thermodynamic tables were developed, these allow to know all the thermodynamic properties of a substance (entropy, enthalpy, pressure, specific volume, internal energy etc ..)
through prior knowledge of two other properties such as pressure and temperature.
3. Using thermodynamic tables find the enthalpy and entropy at the turbine inlet, then find the ideal enthalpy using the entropy of state 1 and the outlet pressure = 30kPa
4. The efficiency of the turbine is defined as the ratio between the real power and the ideal power, with this we find the real enthalpy.
Note: Remember that for a turbine with a single input and output, the power is calculated as the product of the mass flow and the difference in enthalpies.
5. Find the real power of the turbine
Go to explaination for the details of the answer.
In order to determine the lifetime (75 years) chronic daily exposure for each individual, we have to first state the terms of our equation:
CDI = Chronic Daily Intake
C= Chemical concentration
CR= Contact Rate
EFD= Exposure Frequency and Distribution
BW= Body Weight
AT = Average Time.
Having names our variables lets create the equations that will be used to derive our answers.
Please kindly check attachment for details of the answer.
The essence including its problem is listed throughout the clarification section following.
Projects build deliverable that seem to be the products of the venture or indeed the implementation of the project. This ensures that perhaps the agile methodology may be as broad as either the goal of the study itself as well as the coverage that would be part of a much larger venture.
For every other production to have been marked as "deliverable" within the same project, this should satisfy a few eligibility requirements:
- It should be within the development of the work.
- The interested parties-external or internal-must consent to the above. This is perhaps the product of hard effort.
So that the above seems to be the right answer.