Limestone is easily eroded from above and below.
The Florida bedrock is largely made of limestone. Because limestone is a rock that is easily eroded, the landscape of a great part of Florida is classified as karstic.
Karstic landscapes are dotted by sinkholes, underground rivers, caves, and springs. The more acidic the groundwater or rainwater, the faster and more easily the limestone will succumb to erosion.
In this way, underground rivers, streams, runoff, rain, and underground water pooled in caves have all carved out gaps and caverns in the weak limestone bedrock.
Ethyne also known as Acetylene and is the simplest Alkyne belonging to Unsaturated Hydrocarbons. It contains triple bond between two carbon atoms in a molecule. Carbon atoms in Acetylene are sp Hybridized and has a linear shape with bond angle of 180° is present between C-C-H bonds. This compound is also called as Binary Compound because it is made up of two elements i.e. Carbon and Hydrogen. The terminal Hydrogen in Acetylene is slightly Acidic in nature, and this compound can donate terminal proton to any strong base. These compounds generally give Electrophillic Addition Reactions.
The suffix -ene tells that there is a double bond present in the molecule, and the 2 tells where in the molecule the bond is located. The molecule looks like this:
-ane indicates single bonds
-ene indicates at least one double bond
-yne indicates at least one triple bond
Mammals do not have instincts, so they must learn all their behaviors from their parents in order to survive.
Sea turtles must survive on their own, while mammals spend time with their parents and learn how to survive as they grow.
Sea turtles are less intelligent than mammals and, thus, cannot learn new behaviors from their parents.
It has a pb of 69c from google