Carbonated drinks in cans have a headspace to avoid explosion
- When we see in carbonated drinks in cans we can see there is a small amount of space above the liquid level known as the headspace. This space is not a wasted space. The gas filled in the can is compressed highly which when opened comes out with a high pressure with an explosion.
- Therefore, to avoid the carbonated drinks not to explode when shaken the carbonated drinks and the bottled juices have headspace. This means the headspace is not wasted.
During feasting, there is an increase in the supply of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body. Since these macronutrients are in excess, carbohydrates and proteins are utilized or oxidized as a source for energy production. On the otherhand, fats are accumulated as the rate of oxidation of this source does not increase during feasting.
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Retinol is the chemical form of Vitamin A. It has a chemical formula of C20H30O.
It is processed when retinyl palmitate is broken down in the small intestine. Retinol helps in the proper regulation of eye cells hence a vital component in ensuring good eye sight.
It also helps in the neutralization of free radicals in the body and acts as an antioxidant which prevents cells of the body from ageing.