The brightness of the lamp is proportional to the current flowing through the lamp: the larger the current, the brighter the lamp.
The current flowing through the lamp is given by Ohm's law:

V is the potential difference across the lamp, which is equal to the emf of the battery, and R is the resistance of the lamp.
The problem says that the battery is replaced with one with lower emf. Looking at the formula, this means that V decreases: if we want to keep the same brightness, we need to keep I constant, therefore we need to decrease R, the resistance of the lamp.
Part 1
When the solar atmosphere accumulates a lot of magnetic energy
to a point that cannot accumulate more, all that magnetic energy is suddenly released,
and with it, a lot of radiation. So much, that in fact it covers all of the
electromagnetic spectrum; from radio waves to gamma rays. That burst of
radiation is called a solar flare. In a single solar flare the amount of
radiation released is millions of times greater than all the nuclear bombs in
the face if the earth exploding together. Lucky for us, most of the high-energy
radiation dissipates before reaching the Earth, and the radiation that do reach
us, is deflected by the Earth’s magnetic field.
Part 2
1. Not all the radiation
of solar flares that reach the Earth is deflected by its magnetic field; some
of them reach us and charges the upper atmosphere with ionized particles. Those
particles react with the gases in the atmosphere and produce a light; that
light is what we call Auroras borealis or southern nights; One the most beautiful
natural spectacles in earth, who thought Auroras begin their lives as deadly
solar flares.
2. Solar flares
contain a lot of high-energy radiation that is extremely dangerous for our
electronic devices; when they reach the Earth, they can damage sensible
electronics like satellites. A very powerful solar flare could even damage all
the electronic devices on the surface of the Earth.
Somersaulting- for longer distances.It bends the narrow end in the direction it wants to go & takes grip with tentacles. It releases the broad end and straightens up. like this it continues. looping- for shorter distances.
Hope this helps
a 10 kg elephant moving at 1 m/s
because kinetic energy depend on how fast an object moves and also depend on the gravitational force which include the weight.
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