-- The position of the sun was originally the primary influence in determining
when people went to sleep and when they woke up. Although it no longer
directly influences us, that pattern is so deeply ingrained in our make-up
that our behavior still largely coincides with the positions of the sun.
-- The position of the Moon was originally the primary influence in determining
the cycle of human female physiology. Although it no longer directly influences
us, that pattern is so deeply ingrained in human make-up that the female cycle
still largely coincides with the positions of the Moon.
Hans Christian Oersted began a new scientific epoch when he discovered that electricity and magnetism are linked. He showed by experiment that an electric current flowing through a wire could move a nearby magnet. The discovery of electromagnetism set the stage for the eventual development of our modern technology-based world.
Answer: Some conversions from one system of units to another need to be exact, without increasing or decreasing the precision of the first measurement. This is sometimes called soft conversion. It does not involve changing the physical configuration of the item being measured.
FALSE this is not true
(according to Apex 5.3.2 quiz in Physical Science A)
Hello Esmeralda
Specific heat is measured in Joules per g times degree Celsius.
I hope this helps!