<span>In this particular case, where car is moving through curvature, so it is moving in circular motion, force acting on car is centripetal force which holds car not to fly out. Centripetal force is always pointed in the middle of circle. Here frictional force has role of centripetal force. If frictional force is to weak, car would fly out of curvutare.</span>
↪ A satellite was crashed into a comet (on purpose of course)
↪ When it crashed a huge amount of water gushed out
↪ It was over hundreds of thousands of litres
↪ These proved that most of the water came from Comets for the world's first oceans
No you could not do that because if you tried even if you where to go super fast they would feel a breif second of pain before being completely riped from there body
Well, first of all, I don't think "After the collapse of a nebular cloud ..."
is the first time that "atoms begin gravitating together". Seems to me like
that's what was going on all the time, and it's what caused the nebular cloud
to collapse in the first place.
In any case, once the pressure and temperature at the center get high enough,
you get "ignition" of nuclear fusion, and that's when you first have a "star".
The blades that spin around in the fan, because they are flat and produce work