a machine for converting the energy of falling water into useful forms of power and it is also known as a watermill
Weight = (mass) x (gravity)
If you plan to sell these things on Earth, then the acceleration of gravity in the neighborhood of your drive-throughs will be 9.81 m/s².
Weight of each sandwich = (0.1 kg) x (9.81 m/s²).
Weight of each sandwich = 0.981 Newton.
This is only 1.9% less than 1 even Newton.
You should start by setting up one restaurant in New York, one in Chicago, one in LA, and maybe one in Miami or Tulsa. Sell it with a different name in each place, and see which name sells best.
You might want to try calling it
-- Isaac's burger
-- Gravity grub
-- Prism Patty
-- Mass 'o Meat
-- Unit-wich
and see if anything catches on.
I think I'd simply call it a "Newton Unit".
The advantage of using a solar cooker is that it is Eco-friendly and the disadvantage is that it can be used only under certain conditions.
A solar cooker is used for cooking food without having to use electricity or gas. Instead, the appliance uses heat from the sun to cook food. It is used widely in by people who travel in remote areas or go on trips. But the appliance has limitations of its own too.
- Using it is friendly to the environment
- It can be easily assembled without expert assistance
- No compromise on the quality and taste of foo
- Requires sun to function and prepare food
- Cannot function in winters or monsoon when the sun isn't present
- Does not retain heat as efficiently and quickly as compared to other cooking appliances