// Program is written in C++
// Comments are used to explain some lines
// Only the required function is written. The main method is excluded.
using namespace std;
int divSum(int num)
// The next line declares the final result of summation of divisors. The variable declared is also
//initialised to 0
int result = 0;
// find all numbers which divide 'num'
for (int i=2; i<=(num/2); i++)
// if 'i' is divisor of 'num'
if (num%i==0)
if (i==(num/i))
result += i; //add divisor to result
result += (i + num/i); //add divisor to result

From the question we are told that:
Discharge rate 
Elevation of the pumping station 
Elevation of the Exit point 
Generally the Steady Flow Energy Equation SFEE is mathematically given by




Generally h is give as


See explaination
A Finite state machines can be synchronous or asynchronous. The operation of asynchronous state machines does not require a clock signal. An Asynchronous state machine is classified basically on their operating mode, such as the fundamental mode, pulse mode or burst mode. An asynchronous state machine can have stable and transient states.
Please kindly refer to attachment for a step by step solution.
In an ideal gas the specific enthalpy is exclusively a function of Temperature only this can be also written as h = h(T)
A gas is said be ideal gas if obeys PV= nRT law
And in a ideal gas both internal energy and specific enthalpy are a function of Temperature only. Therefore the constant volume and constant pressure specific heats Cv and Cp are also function of temperature only.
Cop of reversible refrigerator = TL / ( TH - TL)
TL = low temperature of freezer = 20 °F
TH = temperature of air around = 75 °F
Heat removal rate QL = 75 Btu/min
W actual, power input = 0.7 hp
conversion on F to kelvin = (T (°F) + 460 ) × 5 / 9
COP ( coefficient of performance) reversible = (20 + 460) × 5/9 / (5/9 ( ( 75 +460) - (20 + 460) ))
COP reversible = 480 / 55 = 8.73
irreversibility expression, I = W actual - W rev
COP r = QL / Wrev
W rev = QL / COP r where 75 Btu/min = 1.76856651 hp where W actual = 0.70 hp
a) W rev = 1.76856651 hp / 8.73 = 0.20258 hp is reversible power
I = W actual - W rev
b) I = 0.7 hp - 0.20258 hp = 0.4974 hp
c) the second-law efficiency of this freezer = W rev / W actual = 0.20258 hp / 0.7 hp = 0.2894 × 100 = 28.94 %