How to create a personal hot spot on an iPhone?
Go to Settings | Cellular | Personal Hotspot.
Tap the slider next to Allow Others to Join. ...
Your Wi-Fi Password will be shown right underneath the Allow Others to Join option. ...
Now, on another device, such as a laptop, go to the Wi-Fi section and search for nearby networks.
Using python
num_boys = int(input("Enter number of boys :"))
num_girls = int(input("Enter number of girls :"))
budget = int(input("Enter the number of dollars spent per school year :"))
dollarperstudent = budget/(num_boys+num_girls)
print("Dollar spent per student : "+str(dollarperstudent))#final result
except ZeroDivisionError:
(a) Relative Humidity = 48%,
Specific humidity = 0.0095
(b) Enthalpy = 65 KJ/Kg of dry sir
Specific volume = 0.86 m^3/Kg of dry air
(c/d) 12.78 degree C
(e) Specific volume = 0.86 m^3/Kg of dry air
Answer and Explanation:
O decreases linearly with the distance from the generator