
Thrust is known as a reaction force which appears when a system expels or accelerates mass in one specific direction. If we know the acceleration and the mass of the air expelled by the jet engine, we can compute the thrust
The acceleration is calculated by using the dynamics formula

The values are

The thrust is

Solution A has a pH of 6 and solution B has a pH of 8. Which of the following is true regarding the concentration of hydrogen ions in each solution? A) A has 100 times greater H+ concentration than B. B) B has 100 times greater H+ concentration than A. C) A has 7/9 of the H+ concentration of B. D) A has 9/7 of the H+ concentration of B. E) none of these
Hey im super sorry if i get this wrong :)
gravitational constant value means it was never change in any particular area of the Earth
The piece of paper has less mass and will glide down the window, whereas the textbook will go straight to the ground. Since the textbook has more mass and less ways of it being able to 'glide' the textbook will hit the ground first.
The response is False, both bars, iron bars and plastic
bars have de same inertia, this characteristic does not depend on the type of
material, the inertia depends on his transverse section, since we can estimate
in the following formula
<span>Area moment of inertia Ixx = BH3/12</span>
<span>Area moment of inertia Iyy= HB3/12</span>