Max: 152 million km
min 146 million km
Telescope is usually defined as an optical instrument that is commonly used to observe the objects in a magnified way that are located at a large distance from earth. These telescopes are comprised of lenses and curved mirrors that are needed to be arranged in a proper way in order to have a prominent look. It is commonly used by the astronomers.
This was first constructed by Hans Lippershey in the year 1608.
If something is traveling at 20 m/s constant speed AND its direction isn't changing, then its velocity is constant. Another way to say that is: Its acceleration is zero. Zero acceleration means zero NET force acting on the object, or a group of BALANCED forces acting on it, also called EQUILIBRIUM. The required answer is: YES.
If a real projectile is launched, the force of gravity acts on it vertically downward. There's no upward force acting on it to balance gravity. Therefore, the forces on the projectile are NOT balanced, there IS a net vertical force on it, and it's NOT in equilibrium. Too bad.
The Basic Unit for Volume
The liter, which is the basic unit of volume, was originally defined as the volume occupied by 1 kilogram of water, but today it's simply one-thousandth of a cubic meter