Ionic bond involves electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions.
The ions are atoms that have gained 1 or more electrons and atoms that have lost 1 or more electrons.
Answer: The type of bond that requires the give and take of electrons is
A ) ionic bond.
Yasir wanted to study the relationship between sleep and room color. So he has done all the background study required on the topic and arrived at a hypothesis that people fall asleep more rapidly in a room painted in blue color than in a room painted yellow. Yasir inquired several people which color they like better -yellow or blue- and used their feedback to decide whether his hypothesis was correct. There was no experiment conducted to observe the effect of a room color on sleep and the variables to be tested in the experiment were not properly identified.
Therefore, the correct answer would be,
An experiment that directly tests the hypothesis
Variables to be tested by an experiment
The crushed tablets would stop bubbling/fuzzing first because it has a smaller surface area which means that it would dissolve before the uncrushed tablets which has a larger surface area.
Fluorine (F), Chlorine (Cl) and Iodine (I) are all found in the same group on the Periodic Table because they have similar physical properties. Since they are all Halogens, they have 7 valence electrons in their outer shell. In order to get a total of 8, they naturally combine with elements of the same isotope (itself), so D comes close to being correct, but it's not the best answer choice.
Бардык белгилүү авиация мыйзамдарына ылайык, аары учуу мүмкүнчүлүгү жок. Канаттары өтө эле кичинекей, семиз денесин чече албайт. Албетте, аары баары бир учат. Себеби аарылар адам мүмкүн эмес деп эсептеген нерсеге маани бербейт.
Канаттары өтө эле кичинекей, семиз денесин чече албайт. Албетте, аары баары бир учат. Себеби аарылар адам мүмкүн эмес деп эсептеген нерсеге маани бербейт.