After notifying the PIC of your arrival, it is best to approach the sides of the helicopter in this scenario.
<h3>What is an Ambulance?</h3>
This is a vehicle which contains medical equipments and are involved in the transportation of patients to healthcare facilities.
It is best to approach the sides of the helicopter and not tail rotor end to ensure visibility and safety.
Read more about Ambulance here
they were hunter gatherers
(B) The wavelength that a star radiates the most energy is inversely proportional to the temperature.
As we know that
According to Wien's law wavelength is inverse proportional to the temperature .
λ.T = Constant.
λ.∝ 1 /T
As we know that star radiates wavelength and this wavelength is inverse proportional to the temperature of the star.
The temperature of cool star is cooler than the temperature of hot star that is cool star looks red and hot star looks blue.Cool star have low energy and hot star have high energy.
So option B is correct.
(B) The wavelength that a star radiates the most energy is inversely proportional to the temperature.