9.79740949850 moles
- 1 mole = Avogardo's Number <<6.022 E 23 <<particles, atoms, etc.>>
- This problem can be solved using dimensional analysis by multiplying atoms (5.9E24 atoms) by (1) mole and then dividing the number by Avogardo's number (6.022 E 23 atoms).
- Note: E = * 10
Side Note: Please let me know if you need any clarifications about this!
The correct answer is option 1. Butane and 2-butene have the same total number of carbon atoms. They both have four carbon atoms. They differ in there structure since the latter has double bonds on it. As a result of the different structure, they also have different properties.
You did not include the statements but since magnesium chloride is ionic substance that we know that magnesium and chlorine formed an ionic bond. Therefore your statement most likely will talk about how one magnesium atom gave up 2 electrons while two chlorine atoms took 1 electron. The reaction looks like Mg+2Cl⇒MgCl₂.
I hope this helps. Let me know in the comments if anything is unclear.
1 is b 2 is a 3 is d 4 is a 5 is c
It has been approximately 6 hours after death.
This is because between 2-6 hours after death, the body starts becoming stiff from top to bottom, then spreading to the limbs. Since there is only rigor in his upper body, that would mean that with normal temperature and body conditions, it would be 4 or 5 hours after death. But since he is obese and in cold temperature, there is slower progression of rigor, leading to the maximum time in the first rigor mortis phase, 6 hours.