Woven fabric is any textile formed by weaving. Woven fabrics are often created on a loom, and made of many threads woven on a warp and a weft. Technically, a woven fabric is any fabric made by interlacing two or more threads at right angles to one another.
The Earth, Mars or Jupiter should be denser than the Sun. Density is defined by mass and volume — components of object or matter. Although the sun is huge, it’s component is made up of mostly gas (hydrogen and helium). While Earth, though smaller than the Sun, contains heavier elements such as iron, sulfur, rocks, sediments, granite, basalt and water. Mars (composed of rocks and nutrients) and Jupiter (contains gases and compounds) as well are denser when compared to the Sun’s density. Referencing to our basic understanding of matter: solid and liquid should be heavier than gas.
Q1. -------- a specific way that a quantity may increase over time
1. Exponential growth
2. Biotic
3. Trait
4. Succession
1. Exponential growth
Exponential growth is a specific way that a quantity may increase over time. The instantaneous rate of change of a quantity with respect to time is proportional to the quantity itself. When growth becomes more rapid in relation to the growing total number, then it becomes exponential.
Example: Latest updates of COVID-19. For today, the number of infected people cases from COVID-19 is 190,000. By observing the graph, to reach 100,000 the number of infected patient cases, it took 3 months and the other 90,000 patients were infected in just 15 days.
Q2. ------- is the inherent inclination of a living organism towards a particular complex behavior.
1. Abiotic
2. Biotic
3. Innate behavior
3. Innate behavior
Innate behavior is behavior that occurs naturally in all members of a species. These behaviors do not have to be learned or practiced.
Example: When a human baby born, he already knows how to suck mother breast to get milk. He never learned before. As he grew up, he knows how to grasp things.