Your answer is infrared, visible, ultraviolet.
his results in the final angle after the collision of 37.2 degrees basically what we did there is turn the vector into a right triangle. We use sohcahtoa to solve for the angle. Being.
Self centered means you think about yourself and can sometimes mean that you're arrogant. Self aware means you are aware of certain things you do. Self centered has a negative connotation while self aware has a positive one.
Constructive Interference
Constructive Interference occurs when two waves superimpose and make bigger amplitudes.
In constructive interference, the crests of one wave fall on the crests of second wave and the amplitudes add up. The amplitude of the resultant wave is equal to sum of the amplitude of the individual waves. Similarly, the trough of first wave falls on the trough of other wave and they superimpose to create the trough of the resultant wave.
For Example, In the attachment, two waves A and B superimpose and demonstrate Constructive interference to create the wave C.