winter viscosity grades
The “W”/winter viscosity grades describe the oil's viscosity under cold temperature engine starting conditions. There's a Low Temperature Cranking Viscosity which sets a viscosity requirement at various low temperatures to ensure that the oil isn't too thick so that the starter motor can't crank the engine over.
When the lift is greater than the weight, the aircraft gains altitude. ... Drag must be overcome for the aircraft to move, and movement is essential to obtain lift. To overcome drag and move the aircraft forward, another force is essential. This force is thrust.
Hope this helps!
When the uneven burning of the fuel takes place due to the incorrect air/fuel mixture inside the engine cylinder, a knocking sound is observed. This is called as the engine knocking.
When the uneven burning of the fuel takes place due to the incorrect air/fuel mixture inside the engine cylinder, a knocking sound is observed. This is called as the engine knocking.
The engine knock problem can be caused due to the following reason
a) When the octane rating of the fuel used is low.
b) The deposition of the carbon around the cylinder walls takes place.
c) The spark plug used in the vehicle is not correct.
Combination circuit; The basic strategy for the analysis of combination circuits involves using the meaning of equivalent resistance for parallel branches to transform the combination circuit into a series circuit.
The use of both series and parallel connections within the same circuit. In this case, light bulbs A and B are connected by parallel connections and light bulbs C and D are connected by series connections. This is an example of a combination circuit.