Firstly they have a acceleration downwards due the force downwards due they gravitational field acting on it's mass.
as it falls it gains speed, and as it gains speed the air Resistance which is a upward force actin on the drop increases, eventually the rain drop's upward and downward forces are balanced and hence there is no RESULTANT force therefore no acceleration, so the drops falls in constant speed (terminal verlocity is a better term)
Are you wondering that why is the raindrop still moving given that the forces are balanced? If so according to Newton's 1st law an object will keep moving or Remain at rest until a RESULTANT force acts on it.
Pure substances can be elements made up exclusively of one kind of atom, or they can be compounds made up of molecules that include two or more elements. Mixtures can be homogeneous or heterogeneous depending on how finely mixed the components are.
Gravitational Energy is the energy of position or place. A rock resting at the top of a hill contains gravitational Potential energy. Hydropower, such as water in a reservoir behind a dam, is an example of gravitational potential energy.
i believe that's the answer hope that helps
the answers, material D meets the requested characteristics
The objective of an insulating material for the house, must allow solar radiation to enter, so that the plants can perform photosynthesis and must prevent radiation from inside the house from being lost.
Therefore the material must meet two conditions be transparent to sunlight and be absorbed from the radiation coming from the house; this is to leave for visible light and absorb infrared radiation
Reviewing the answers, material D meets the requested characteristics