30 L H2
- 10 L N2 x <u>3 L H2</u> = 30 L H2
. 1 L N2
Try to verify my answer, Stoichiometry is not easy for me.
During action potential, positively charged sodium ions move inside the cell.
So option D is correct one.
The sodium ion moves inside the cell during a action potential. The stage of action potential is called depolarization . This open voltage gated sodium channel.
Action potentials ( those electrical impulse that send signals around body ) is nothing but more than temporary shift ( from negative to positive ) in the neuron's membrane potential caused by ions suddenly flowing in and out of the neuron.
It consists of phases:
- Depolarization
- overshoot
- repolarization
An active potential propagates along the cell membrane of an axon until it reaches the terminal button.
to known more about action potential
Phenolphthalein turn pink in basic turn colourless in acid solution.
Hence options(1)is correct