Oceanic crust and continental crust
A subduction zone is normally between oceanic crust which is made of basalt and continental crust which is made of granite. Oceanic crust is denser than continental crust. So when oceanic crust collides with continental crusts, it subsducts underneath the continental crust since it is denser.
Velocity is just speed with direction
Do neither of these things ( c )
For length contraction : Is calculated considering the observer moving at a speed that is relative the object at rest applying this formula
L = (l) 
where l = Measured distance from object at rest, L = contracted measured in relation to the observer , v = speed of clock , c = speed of light
you will do neither of these things because before you can make such decisions who have to view the object in this case yourself from a different frame from where you are currently are, if not your length and width will not change hence you can't make such conclusions/decisions .
Stars emit colors of many different wavelengths, but the wavelength of light where a star's emission is concentrated is related to the star's temperature - the hotter the star, the more blue it is; the cooler the star, the more red it is