a. misinformation effect
Misinformation effect: In psychology, the term "misinformation effect" is described as a phenomenon in which an individual's recall-related to episodic memories tends to become less accurate or precise due to the "post-event information". However, when he or she receives any new information generally works backwards in "time" in order to distort the memories related to the actual or original event.
In the question above, the given statement signifies the misinformation effect.
The Panama Canal is Approximately 48 mi long.
In a market economy the production is determined not by someone's decision <em>(which can be wrong, and a wrong decision is the reason why there there are unwanted goods or a lack of wanted goods) </em>but it is regulated by the supply and demand: if there is a need for a good, it will be produced, and if there is no need for something, its production will halt and there will not be an unwanted storage.
In short, in a market economy, the economy itself regulates this.
In the summer season, Earth’s northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and in winter season the northern hemisphere is away from the sun. The tilt actually causes a lot of difference in the amount of sunlight received by the earth and since the sunlight is the main cause of the weather change that leads to different seasons.