In a slowly cooled hypereutectoid iron-carbon steel, the pearlite colonies are normally separated from each other by a more or less continuous boundary layer of cementite done by Slower cooling reasons coarse Pearlite, even as rapid cooling reasons first-rate pearlite to form.
<h3>What levels is in Hypereutectoid metal?</h3>
Hypoeutectoid steels can, upon preliminary cooling from the austenite single segment field, exist as extraordinary levels, eutectoid ferrite and austenite, every with extraordinary carbon contents.
At room temperature, hypereutectoid steels have a pearlitic primary microstructure (ferrite grains with embedded cementite lamellae) with moreover induced cementite on the grain boundaries! The micrograph under suggests a hypereutectoid metal with 1.0 Carbon (C100).
Read more about the cementite: