6 significant figure
The digits 111328 all are 6 figures with no figure being zero, neither zero after the other digits. In this case, all the numbers are significant and since they are only six numbers, then this is a six significant figure. In case we add another zero after digit 8, the zero is not significant but if added either infront of 8 or 2, the zero becomes significant.
horizontal is zero slope, and the vertical is undefined
Top left: slowing down
Top right: not moving
Bottom left: moving at a constant speed
Bottom right: speeding up
You need to use Planck's law:
E = h·υ = (h·c)/λ
Without making all the calculations, a fraction is bigger than another when the denominator is smaller. Therefore you need to find the smallest wavelength (λ) which is 450nm.
You could also be helped by colors: in order of decreasing energy, you have blue - green - yellow - red.
In any case, the correct answer is a).