Issac Newton was the first to use a glass prism to obtain the spectrum of sunlight. He tried to split the colours of the spectrum of white light further by using another similar prism. However, he could not get any more colours. He then placed a second identical prism in an inverted position with respect to the first as shown.
This allowed all the colours of the spectrum to pass through the second prism. He found a beam of white light emerging from the other side of the second prism. This observation gave Newton the idea that the sunlight is made-up of seven colours.
200 N, that is if the force is balanced and the wall doesn't move
The frequency of the standing wave in the second case is higher than that in the first case
The frequency and wavelength of a wave are related.
The moment you sliced the bottle, you've reduced the wavelength of the bottle.
When wavelength decreases, frequency increases and vice versa.
So, When frequency
increases in the second case, more wave crests pass a fixed point each second. That means
the wavelength shortens. So, as frequency increases, wavelength
decreases. The opposite is also true—as frequency decreases,
wavelength increases.