The noise and vibration could affect your body and mood in many ways while operating a boat. The noise and vibration could make you moody or uncomfortable, because it will also distract you in doing what you're supposed to do. Your body will also be affected, making your body tired because of the things surrounding you and the noise and vibration, it could affect your body in many ways.
Explanation: Igneous rocks are those rocks that solidify from magma.
Igneous rock is divided into two ,they are:
1. Intrusive
Igneous rocks crystallized belowearth"s crust. Its cooling material is called lava.
2 Extrusive igneous rock is also known as known as volcanic rocks
General intelligence refers to the existence of a broad mental capacity that influences performance on cognitive ability measures.
Specific intelligence refers to a person's aptitude in individual 'modalities' or abilities rather than the more general understanding of intelligence.
Taste and smell senses are separate senses with their own receptor organs yet they are intimately entwined. Tastants, chemicals in foods are detected by taste buds which consist of special sensory cells.. When stimulated, these cells send signals to specific areas of the brain which then makes us conscious of the perception of taste. Also specialized cells in the nose pick up odorants, airborne odor molecules. Odorants stimulate receptor proteins found on hairlike cilia at the tips of the sensory cells, a process that initiates a neural response.