Typical examples of inelastic collision are between cars, airlines, trains, etc.
For instance, when two trains collide, the kinetic energy of each train is transformed into heat, which explains why, most of the times, there is a fire after a collision. However, the momentum of the two trains that are involved in the collision remains unaffected. So, the trains collide with all their speed, maintaining their momentum, yet their kinetic energy is transformed into heat energy.
Another way to explain a train or a car collision is this: when the two trains or cars collide, they stick together while slowing down. They slow down because their kinetic energy is gradually lost. Still, they collide because they conserve their momentum.
Because the photons being different makes them have different amounts of energy, they both with have a precise and different energy from each other.
Answer: 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2+ ...+ 1/Rn
R is resistance of system in which there are resistors R1, R2 , ... Rn parallel.
<h3>I think this will answer your question. This is information is not mine and this rightfully belongs to <u>columbia.edu.</u></h3><h3><u /></h3>
This brightly colored fish is native to the Indo-Pacific from Australia north to southern Japan and south to Micronesia. The lionfish is usually found in coral reefs of tropical waters, hovering in caves or near crevices. Native regions as well as Savannah, Georgia; Palm Beach and Boca Raton, Florida; Long Island, New York; Bermuda and possibly Charleston. In southern Florida and off the coast of the Carolinas in early to mid 1990s.
<h3><u /></h3>
a) The back spoon gives a right image (upright)
b) the front gives an inverted image
The spoon is a curved metallic object, when we see ourselves from the back we have a convex mirror, in this type of mirror when the law of reflection is applied the rays diverge therefore the eye-brain system forms the image with the prolongation of the rays, therefore the image is straight and smaller than the object.
When we look through the deep side of the spoon, we have a concave mirror and as the object (we) is further away than the distance, the rays converge to a point, so the image is real, inverted smaller than the object.
In summary.
a) The back spoon gives a right image (upright)
b) the front gives an inverted image