Every 15 degrees is an hour
What is the time difference in mean solar time between 30° N 75° W and 30° N 90° W?
I don’t know about 3 but I know that 4 is solid, 5 is you’ll feel the vibration first, 6 is you’ll see the lightning first because the speed of light is faster than the speed of sound and 7 is sound waves need a medium to travel and light waves don’t, sound waves are longitudinal and light waves are transverse, and sound waves are mechanical waves while light waves are electromagnetic waves
The answer is Frost Point.
The temperature to which the air must be cooled, with constant pressure, to reach saturation (in relation to liquid water), is called the dew point. The dew point gives a measure of the water vapor content in the air. The higher, the greater the concentration of water vapor in the air. However, when cooling produces saturation at a temperature of 0 ° C or less, the temperature is called a frost point. The water vapor is deposited as frost on a surface whose temperature is below the dew point.
atoms are little things things thinbs timmy amrfiv
The answer is d the inflation scale