False. this is just a physical change, not a chemical change.
Ok, primero pensemos en una situación normal.
La moneda comienza a caer, pero la moneda esta inmersa en una sustancia, el aire. El aire comienza a aplicar una resistencia al movimiento de la moneda, y esta resistencia incremente a medida que la velocidad de la moneda incremente. Llega un punto en el que esta nueva fuerza es igual a la fuerza gravitatoria, y en sentido opuesto, lo que causa que la fuerza neta sea 0, y que la moneda caiga a velocidad constante hasta que esta impacta con el suelo.
Ahora, en este caso tenemos que ignorar los efectos del aire, entonces no hay ninguna fuerza que se oponga a la fuerza gravitatoria, entonces la fuerza neta no cambia a medida que cae (La fuerza neta cambia cuando la moneda impacta el suelo).
También se puede analizar el caso en el que, como la fuerza gravitatoria decrece con el radio al cuadrado, a medida que la moneda cae, la fuerza gravitatoria incrementa. El tema es que en para estas dimensiones, ese cambio en la fuerza gravitacional es imperceptible,
Explanation: The two main types of nuclear power are nuclear fusion and fission. Nuclear fission is used in nuclear power plants to create elements. Nuclear fission works by having a stray neutron collide with a nucleus. When this happens, it breaks the nucleus up, and another nuclei collides with another nucleus. A chain reaction occurs as this process continues. I personally think this type of nuclear power is dangerous because the result is radioactive byproducts. Also, meltdowns can occur in a nuclear power plant as a result of nuclear fission. I think nuclear fusion would be a much safer energy source. It is cheap and practically unlimited. Nuclear fusion occurs when two nuclei fuse together to create a larger nucleus. Nuclear fusion also proves Albert Einstein's equation E=mc2. The element you start out with is greater than the element you end up with after fusion occurs. This is due to some of the matter actually being converted into energy, which agrees with Einstein's equation. I think nuclear fusion is a safer energy source because it does not create radioactive byproducts that can be potentially harmful. Nuclear fusion, however, is not understood that well by scientists. As a result, we continue to use nuclear fission because we know how to use it. Until scientists fully understand nuclear fusion, scientists will continue to use nuclear fission for energy sources.
Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Forms of energy could be kinetic energy or potential energy. Thermal or heat energy can originate from a hot object such as the sun. Energy is used to produce work. Electrical energy for lighting purposes and heating in homes and factories.
Energy is defined as the ability to do work and can be in various forms such as kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal, chemical, electrical energy etc.
Energy origination depends on the type of energy form in discussion. Thermal or heat energy can originate from a hot object such as the sun or an iron box, chemical energy originates from the interaction of atoms and molecules and electrical energy can be initiated by movements of electrons.
Energy is used to produce work. Different forms of energy can do different tasks such as;
Heat energy for heating water
Electrical energy for lighting purposes
Geothermal energy for producing heat and electricity
Nuclear energy for production of nuclear power
Chemical energy for facilitating chemical reactions